
Patio Spaces: Using Them Year Round

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Patio Spaces: Using Them Year Round

When I bought my home, the patio had a lot to do with my decision. I saw it as the perfect place for parties, cookouts, and lounging in the sun. What I didn't realize is that the right accessories would allow me to use the space year round. I compared several retractable designs offered by different patio cover companies before I found the right one. I've also purchased portable heaters that allow me to use the space for outdoor events when the temperature is a little nippy. If you like the idea of using your patio any time of the year, stick with me for a few minutes. I'll tell you which accessories I bought and how I use them. Before long, you will also be able to enjoy your patio no matter what the weather is doing.


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How Residential Awnings Help Seniors Get Sun Without Getting Burned

Getting sun outdoors is often a critical part of the warm-weather seasons because it helps to keep people happy and active. Seniors, in particular, need regular but limited exposure to the sun to boost their health and mood. However, sunburns may take them back indoors and sabotage their joyful summer days. Thankfully, residential awnings can protect them from this type of issue.

Sunburns Are Very Dangerous

The sun is both a life-giver and a life-taker in many circumstances. The UV rays of the sun may provide vitamin D to the skin with exposure, but those who get sunburned may quickly find themselves experiencing real health problems. Burns can trigger excessive scratching, cause real damage to the skin, and make sitting outside very uncomfortable for older people.

Sadly, this may mean that they end up spending more time indoors, missing out on the beauty of the summer and getting stuck with problematic vitamin D deficiencies and other problems. Thankfully, it is possible for older adults to sit outside, get some sun, and not overdo it. And a good residential awning not only provides this benefit but a handful of other advantages as well.

Ways Residential Awnings May Help

Residential awnings fit comfortably outside of windows and provide a level of protection that creates a unique barrier for those who like to get a lot of sun. An awning creates a sheltered area where elderly individuals can sit during the day and that limits their UV ray exposure. However, seniors can still get up and walk around in the sun to get some rays or even adjust their awning to get some rays to fall on them.

In this way, it is possible for seniors who want to get the most sun possible without getting burned to enjoy their home. They can even set very large awnings up near seating areas, such as by their decks, to create a comfortable area for friends and family members to visit. Hosting parties in this way will make it easier for the seniors to enjoy themselves and have an active social life as they age.

Most homes can easily fit high-quality residential awnings with little difficulty. All it requires is inspecting the exterior of the home, finding an awning that will fit, and then adding it to the home's exterior. Just as importantly, this step can also ensure that elderly individuals improve the value of their home if they want to sell it or pass it down to their children as they get older.

To learn more, contact a resource that offers residential awnings.